Suncoast Spinners to host invitational Tournament in January 2022
The Suncoast Spinners Wheelchair Sports Club will be hosting an invitational wheelchair basketball
tournament in January 2022, in place of its usual annual Open Tournament.
Suncoast Spinners president Bridie Kean said the Club was disappointed that they would not be able to hold
the Open Tournament for a second time due to COVID.
“The whole wheelchair basketball community looks forward to our Open Tournament each year with teams
travelling from around the country, but unfortunately because of the uncertainty created by the ongoing
COVID situation, the Club was unable to throw open the tournament to everyone.
“We last held the tournament in January 2020, so we were really looking forward to hosting it in 2022, but
with COVID outbreaks nationally and the uncertainty it creates, and the fact their normal venue, Caloundra
Sports Stadium, was being used as an important COVID Vaccination Hub, it meant the Club’s volunteers
have been unable to do the planning necessary to host the larger 3-day tournament in January.
Bridie said however that the Club was planning to go ahead with a smaller Invitational Tournament at USC
Sports Stadium on 15th and 16th January 2022.
“The invitational tournament will be an opportunity for some clubs to get together, practice their competition
skills and also showcase the sport.
“With the Paralympics in Japan this year and the announcement that Brisbane and South East Queensland
will host the 2032 Olympics and Paralympics there has been a lot of interest, and of course through our
Reverse Inclusion Program, we always encourage everyone to get involved in the sport.”
Bridie said more information about the Invitational Tournament would be announced in coming weeks, once
the Clubs attending were confirmed.
“Then in 2023, we look forward to being able to be back bigger and better with our Open Tournament.”