Covid-19 Update

Covid19 Update                                                                                 13/4/2022

The Chief Health Officer has advised that we can safely remove vaccine mandate restrictions and still maintain a high level of protection for the community, thanks to the fact that more than 90% of Queenslanders aged 12 and over are fully vaccinated.

The Suncoast Spinners vaccine mandate for participants will end on April 14th 2022 in line with the QLD government easing of restrictions.

If you are feeling unwell or displaying symptoms you must not attend a Suncoast Spinners program.

For further information on the easing of restrictions go to:

Covid19 Update                                                                                 17/12/2021

Changes to the attendance requirements of members, participants and supporters of all Suncoast Spinners programs and events. The changes to requirements are in response to the increased risk of community transmission of COVID-19, aiming to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission as much as possible. These changes in attendance requirements for all members, participants and supporters are in addition to existing vaccination requirements for all Suncoast Spinners staff and volunteers to be fully vaccinated for COVID-19. 

From December 17th all persons aged 16 and above attending Suncoast Spinners events and programs (including members, participants and supporters) will be required to present:

  • Proof of COVID-19 vaccination OR
  • An Australian government exemption for COVID-19 vaccination 

At arrival to events and programs you will provide this information for entry, however Suncoast Spinners will not take documentation of these documents. 

Other measures are for participants of all ages. 
All those attending Suncoast Spinners events or programs will be required to complete the QR code at the venue and practice physical distancing when not in the field of play. 

Finally, it is essential if you are not feeling well, you do not attend Suncoast Spinners events. 

It is our aim as a committee to do what we can to prioritise the health and well-being of our members and in the current context this means the inclusion of attendance requirements we have never had before. 

We will be continually reassessing the situation and will adapt entry requirements if there are changes to the context and the information we have available. In these uncertain times, the impact to our programs and events may occur with little notice and we will communicate information we have as soon as possible via email to our members and on our website. 

Please ensure your email contact details are up to date so we can provide any important updates to you directly. 

Linking your COVID-19 vaccination proof

If you have a Medicare Online Account, you can access proof of your COVID-19 vaccinations using your Medicare online account through

1.  Sign in to myGov.

2.  Select the Proof of vaccinations quick link.

3.  Select the type of proof you need and follow the prompts.

If you do not have a Medicare Online Account

You’ll need to link Medicare to your myGov account to access your immunisation history statement or COVID-19 digital certificate at

Once you’ve linked your accounts you can get your immunisation history statement or COVID-19 digital certificate after you have had all your required doses.

Go to to link your COVID-19 digital certificate

Suncoast Spinners Wheelchair Basketball Inc.
Committee Management

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